The AMA is a service provided by the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). Scholarships under the Charles H. Grant Programme are available to qualified applicants. Based on the information that has been provided, the following is a rundown of the scholarship programme:
AMA Charles H. Grant Scholarship Program:
- It is the AMA. The Academy of Model Aeronautics provides numerous scholarship opportunities, one of which is referred to as the Charles H. Grant Scholarship Programme.
- The number of people who apply for scholarships and the standards they must meet determine both the total number of scholarships and the amount that each recipient receives. There is a total of approximately $40,000 available to be doled out in the form of scholarships; recipients are chosen on the basis of their participation in AMA modelling activities, academic accomplishment, and citizenship achievement.
- The applications are evaluated by the scholarship committee, which is comprised of individuals such as Bob Underwood, Jane Morgan, Charles Bauer, and Travis McGinnis. The committee then offers recommendations regarding the applications to the Executive Council (Board of Directors) of the AMA, who makes the ultimate decisions.
- The ideal candidate is one who excels academically and is actively involved in numerous elements of school, modelling, and the community. This is the ideal applicant.
- The applicants are evaluated based on their performance in a variety of important factors, such as grade average and test scores. It is vital to succeed at a high level in all categories in order to maximise the scholarship amount that is offered to an individual. However, an applicant’s prospects of winning a major scholarship award can be improved by engagement in community service or modelling, or by both of these activities combined.
- The candidate for the scholarship must fulfil a number of requirements in order to be considered for the award. These requirements include having been a member of the AMA for the full 36 months leading up to the April 30 application deadline, having graduated from high school in the same year that the award is to be presented, and having been accepted by an accredited college or university that provides either a certificate or a degree programme.
- The steps involved in submitting an application include filling out certain pages of the application form and ensuring that the allotted amount of space on each page is not exceeded.
- In addition to the Charles H. Grant Scholarship, there are also the Toledo Weak Signals Scholarship, the Sig Memorial Scholarship, and the Telford Scholarship. Each of these scholarships considers a unique set of criteria when deciding who will receive the prize.
- The applications are to be addressed to the Education Coordinator for the Academy of Model Aeronautics in the state of Indiana.
Please be aware that the details of the scholarship programme that are provided here are based on the information that is currently available. Applicants are strongly encouraged to verify the eligibility criteria and application process on the official website of the Academy of Model Aeronautics or refer to the URL that has been provided for more information that is both detailed and up to date on the AMA Charles H. Grant Scholarship Programme.